Second week @ school

On 19-06-2023, the student-teachers arrived at the school at 9:20 AM and took attendance. At 9:30 AM, the school assembly began, featuring a special program organized by the students of class 10-B in association with the reading day event. Regular classes commenced at 10:00 AM. In the afternoon, the Malayalam department conducted a special program in honor of the reading day. On 21-06-2023, regular classes started at 9:30 AM after the morning prayer. According to the timetable, I taught a class on cities in the medieval period during the 3rd period in 9.A. At noon, the student-teachers went to serve the mid-day meal to the students. On 22-06-2023 and 23-06-2023, regular classes commenced at 9:30 AM. The student-teachers attended their respective classes as per the given timetable. On 24-06-2023, classes began at 9:30 AM after the morning assembly. One of the teachers from the high school section assigned the student-teachers of the Social Science optional to create placards for an...