Seventh week @school

 On  24th July, the classes started after the morning prayer. The student-teachers went to their respective classrooms as per their timetable. At noon, the student-teachers went to serve the mid-day meal to the students.

On 27th July, there was morning assembly. It was conducted by the students of class 10-E. The assembly started at 9.30AM with the morning prayer. After the assembly, the HM addressed the students. The assembly ended at 10.00AM. At 2.30PM, a competition in association with Malayalam club was arranged for the students of high school section at the school seminar hall. As such, the B.Ed trainees were asked to attend the program and help the associated teachers with the conduction of the competition. The program ended at 3.30PM. 

On 28th July, it was holiday for the school (Muharram holiday).
